Heart of Darkness

Reading Schedule

Essay Assignment Sheet (Link Will Be Added Here Later)

Did Britain Wreck the World?
Opening Brainstorming Activity

DAY ONE: Conrad as Impressionist
Impressionism Presentation (Google Slides)
Impressionism Presentation (Nearpod)
Impressionism Response (Post in Reading Journal)

DAY TWO: Conrad as Anti-Imperialist
Understanding Marlow's Voice
Passages for Review - Colonialism

DAY THREE: The Depiction of Kurtz
Kurtz: Passages from Part I

DAY FOUR: "The Inner Truth"
The Inner Truth Passages
Poetry Analysis - Thomas Hardy's "The Man He Killed"
Part II Assessment

DAY FIVE: The Psychological Approach
Reference Source on Sigmund Freud
Virtual Psychology Classroom Source 
"Sigmund Freud" from Contemporary Authors

DAY SIX: Darwinian and Nihilist Views (+ a Review of Part III)

Darwin - See source below, "On the Races of Man."
Nihilism - See sources below, "Existentialism" and "Joseph Conrad: The Darkness."
"A Crash Course in Existentialism" Video

How to Effectively Integrate Quotations


Facebook Case Study

Surman, Mark. "The Rise of Digital Empires."  New Statesman.  1 Sept. 2016.
LaFrance, Adrienne.  "Facebook and the New Colonialism."  The Atlantic.  11 Feb. 2016.
Solon, Olivia.  "It's Digital Colonialism ..." The Guardian.  27 July 2017.
Hempel, Jessi.  "Inside Facebook's Ambitious Plan to Connect the Whole World."  Wired.  19 Jan.  2016. 

Other Companies to Investigate: Amazon; Apple; Google; Microsoft

As we progress through the unit, I will post various resources here.  These will be useful once you select the topic for your essay.  I will post at least one essay or excerpt from a book for each topic.

Maps of Africa, the Congo, and Marlow's Journey
These were taken from Gary Adelman's text Heart of Darkness: Search for the Unconscious.

Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death.  Dir. Peter Bate. Periscope Productions (BBC), 2003.
This documentary will help those interested in exploring the historical, political, and economic background of Belgium's colonization of the Congo.

Achebe, Chinua.  Excerpts from "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness."  University of Massachusetts.  Amherst, MA.  18 Feb. 1975.  Chancellor's Lecture. 

Kershner, R. Brandon.  "The Reader, The Frame, and Impressionism in Heart of Darkness."  Conradiana.  35.1-2 (2003): 41-48.

Tessitore, John.  "Freud, Conrad, and Heart of Darkness."  College Literature. 7.1 (Winter, 1980): 30-40.

Darwin, Charles.  The Descent of Man.  The Project Gutenberg Text.  Web

Miller, J. Hillis.  "Joseph Conrad: The Darkness."  Poets of Reality: Six Twentieth-Century Writers.  Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1965: 13-67.

What am I reading now?

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
American Gods
The Quiet American
Inside Out & Back Again
The Tiger Rising